Monday, November 14, 2011

The Monday Grind

Coming off a relaxing and very full weekend makes getting back into the weekly grind a little rough. I stayed up late last night to watch the football game. Was bummed at half-time when the score was too tight and couldn't call it a night. Slept like a baby though once the Pats drove it home for a win...needed that big time! So, it makes for a (slightly) happier Monday.

Like a lot of other people out there, this is the start of the busy season. It always feels like something needs to get done so something else needs to be put on the back burner while everything else is being tended to. I started thinking that way about my weight loss journey. Things have been on hold for the last three weeks. It would be so easy to just say "maintain" until after Christmas and New Year's. Let's face it, there's going to be a lot of cooking next week. Lot's to be done to prep for that both this week and next. Then we fly right into the hustle and bustle of Christmas.

Adding to all that, I also chair a booth at my son's school for the "Holiday Shop". The school holds a shop for the kids to buy things for their loved ones for the holiday season. It's a great idea. I went to the same school when I was a kid and still have very fond memories of some of the items I bought (i.e. the pet rock I lovingly bought for my grandfather. He was such a sport with loving and taking care of the rock. I was so proud.) Anyway, I am making 200+ picture frames for the event. It's getting down to crunch time and it all needs to get done along with all the other stuff.

Crazy times are ahead. But, that doesn't mean it's OK to fluff off the other important stuff. My half a second thought of letting myself maintain for the holiday season was met with frustration with myself for even contemplating that idea. Let's face it, there is always going to be something standing in our way of our goals. If we don't stand up to those somethings now, we will never reach the goals we have and thus always feel like a failure.

So, my goals for this week are:
1. No eating out (although, I already broke that one this morning with my schedule so I will have to work a little harder on that one).

2. Continue planning (I did a meal plan for the week - just have to plan for the unplanned).

3. Gym!  Monday: 20 mins cardio then upper body
               Tuesday: 20 mins cardio then lower body
               Wednesday: 30 mins cardio
               Thursday: 20 mins cardio mix upper and lower depending on how I'm feeling
               Friday: 30 mins cardio
               Saturday: 30 mins cardio - C25K

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