Friday, February 8, 2013

A storm is brewin'

Alright, so the storm is more than brewin''s here!  And it's ca-razy! The snow is coming down so hard and fast, you can't see very far ahead of you. The roads are all closed until further notice; if you are out driving in this, you risk a $500 fine AND a year in prison!  Of course all the mom's were joking about how all you'll see are minivans out on the road daring for a night or two in jail!  HA!

The snow started around noon and has been getting heavier and heavier over the last few hours. The winds are what make a blizzid a blizzid (that's how we say blizzard) and so far the winds have been behaving themselves...up until I started writing...I can hear it whipping around pretty good out there. Just hoping we don't lose power so we can return the generator we picked up today because our old one wasn't working. Argh!  

So, if you are in the Northeast, stay safe and warm. If you are anywhere warm, don't brag. ;-) 


  1. I've been watching the storms on TV from here. It's insane! I'm a bit worried coz' my hubby just left Kuwait this morning for NYC -- hope he makes there and back safely!!

    Stay warm and safe x

    1. I hope your hubs landed safe and sound in NYC! The airports were shut down for a day - crazy!

  2. We got Nemo Light in SE Michigan - we waited til the wind died down today and cleared about 6 inches off the driveway. But it was nice for a snow day Friday and we all stayed home, inside where it's warm & toasty!

    LOL, I had to giggle at the comment about the moms in mini vans out breaking the driving ban. I can just imagine.....!

    1. lucky! you only had 6 inches! I still can't believe how much snow came from the sky in this one storm.
