Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In

Miracle of miracles, I'm down a bit more.
Just have a little over a pound left of that seven to get back to even.

The "bad" news though is that I pulled something at the gym today.  The "funny" part about the whole thing is I posted this 40 Effed Up Things About Being 40 article on my FaceBook page.  I've been wearing reading glasses on and off since I was a teenager so that part doesn't bother me but there are a few others on the list that made me laugh (and cry). For instance, number 40. Being called Ma'am. I hate that!  I feel so old when I hear that.  I'm not old. In my head, I am a lot younger than the years tell me I am. Please, don't call me "ma'am".

Back to the gym...I pulled my...wait for it...hip!  There, I said it, now I'm old.
No, I don't really believe that. It's just too funny not to talk about it.  Anyway, I ended up having to pop some of the old ibuprofen to make it through the rest of the day. I'm sure I'll be sore in the morning.

Ack! It's taken me all day to finish up today's thoughts. At this point, I will just say "today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one". One of my favorite Dr. Seuss quotes.


  1. ha, your not old. I don't think I have ever heard anyone call me MR. They usually just say hey you, once in a while a get a sir out of someone.

    Awesome job on the weight loss!

    1. Maybe it's because I'm (clearly) not a man, but I don't think the "sir" or "mister" thing sounds nearly as dreadful! ;- )

  2. Hi Jenn! You're younger than me, and I'm not old, so logically that would make you still younger than not old. :D

    Your weight loss is good! Just keep going with a positive attitude. You're be surprised, as you keep losing weight, how much younger you will look and feel. I'm sure you've already felt some of that with your weight loss already.

    :-) Marion

    1. I like being "younger than old!" Thanks!

  3. Great job on the weight loss, Jenn! Ok, I'm older than you too and while there have been times I have felt old, I decided that it really is just a number. Forty for me was so yesterday! LOL Love the Dr. Seuss quote - how could you not be a fan of that? :)

    1. Honestly, I really don't feel old. I think it affects me sometimes because of the internal clock ticking. I have my 2 kids...maybe I want one more? We'll see. It's thinking that time is becoming more and more limited in "that department" that sometimes gets me down. I think. :)

  4. Ugh, wish I would NOT have read that article. I'll be hitting 40 in August and everything except for #36 applies. I have worn glasses / contacts since age 13 and when I went in last month of an eye exam, the doc mentioned reading glasses ~in addition to~ my contacts, since I'm getting to be "that age". He did indeed get the evil eye and several colorful expletives popped into my mind.

    On a happier note - congrats on the loss!

    1. I would have shot him the evil eye too! I hate it when DR's start saying "a woman of your age"...They can be so cruel sometimes!!!
      Dont' feel bad about the reading glasses. I've been wearing them since high school...although I wear them more because I get headaches due to weak muscle than that I can't see.
      Welcome to the world of progressive lenses! Best invention ever.
