Friday, July 15, 2011

Week 16 Weigh In

Down 1.2
Total 33.2

FINALLY!  More than half a pound!  And FINALLY I'm down another 10!  It's been 8 weeks!  That is just all kinds of wrong. But I am going full-force right now and hopefully this next 10 will go a little faster.

Workouts have been kick-a$$ this week. I've done 2 full-body, very heavy workouts in the gym. Along with my at-home cardio...did a 1.72 mile walk with some step-ups and a swim as well as a 2 mile walk around the track last night. Working with my trainer this morning, we came up with a heavy-duty plan for next week and the weeks to come. I'll be doing a Monday/Friday with her, one at-home lower body workout and one gym upper body workout. All of this coupled with tightening up the calories should (hopefully) kick things into high gear.

This next 10 is very important to me. First, I am at my lowest weight since having my second child. The next 10 brings on a "breaking through" point for me and I'll be within 15 pounds of when I became pregnant with my first son. Lots going on with these next numbers. Just going to plow through it though. No more of this taking 2 months to lose 10 pounds!  At my size, I should have doubled or even close to tripled that. Not looking behind though. Keep on working.

As far as the caffeine thing goes? Well, it's going. I woke up grouchy this morning. I know it's because I had the caffeine yesterday. Or at least I hope that's why. My heart was also racing all morning. Working out was rough. I'm going to have a little caffeine tomorrow and won't have any this weekend. I figure hubs will be home and he'll be able to help me through the rough patches. Wish me luck. :D

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